45 TIPS to survive a flight with kids: how to keep them busy and happy in the air
Gathered over 100 flights with kids
to use on your next family trip
For me getting on an airplane has always the greatest source of excitement, until I had kids… I have no idea that becoming a mom meant never sitting next to a window on the plane ever again, never watching a movie, reading a book or sleeping in the plane. It clearly became a huge source of stress… but then something surprising happened the more kids I had the easier it became Just like anything the more you do it, the better you get at it I guess. So today I am sharing all the tricks I learnt in the past 10 years traveling with kids around the world.
Before the flight
Choosing your flight time
The best time possible is mid-morning. If you are going on an overnight flight, getting on the plane around 5.30pm is great, as it will give your child time to adjust to the environment, enjoy meal time, and will be ready to go down by the time they turn off the lights in the plane
Packing your carry on right
Change of clothes (leggings, long sleeve top,fleece jacket, underwear)
For toddlers PULL UPS (even if they are potty trained)
Plastic bags: You never know when you'll need an extra bag for wet clothes, a dirty diaper, or even just for trash, so pack a few extras.
Water bottle: Toss an empty clean water bottle into your bag to fill after you get through security. Just make sure that it's leakproof!
Snacks Cheerios, pretzels, crackers, string cheese, and granola bars are good options.
Kids size headphones
Activities - too see my list of must have activities for toddlers on the plane, click here
Foot hammock (for kids under 5)
Medicine: ear drops, pain killer, upset stomach relief, bandage, antiseptic cream, one candy (soothe your child in case of big bobo)
A chewy food / candy / sweet for landing
Make sure you child is well fed before going on the plane
Try to book a child’s meal for the flight
If your child is not wearing a diaper, make sure you took him to the bathroom before boarding – a restroom emergency during takeoff WILL trigger a crisis.
Plan to arrive at the airport with more than enough time you need to check bags and go through security
Bring the right accessories to walk around the airport with your child
Give your child plenty of opportunities to run around before getting on the plane
Talk to your child about “airplane rules” to get him familiar with the environment
On the plane
Remember this:
Your kids have the right to be there just as the other passengers
You will never see the other passengers again
You CAN do this
Good practice: Things you can do before a tantrum (that will help you if it ever happens)
Try to spot a space where you “retreat” if to exit your row to try to calm down your child standing up
Find other parents with same age kids as it could be an ally to keep kids busy with each other
Mental preparation is key: think of flight as a special play time with your child, chance to spend quality time with him NOT a rest time.
Common problems:
Your child is kicking the seat in front of you – my kids do it all the time, I use foot hammock or a scarf attached to the closed tray table in front of my kids seat and slide it under their feet.
Walking around the plane – tricky! I always seat my toddler next to the window to limit the temptation of the aisle, best thing is if the flight attendant tell my child not to do it eventually, they listens to them more than me.
Always keep different soothing items easy to reach, I always have a bag at my feet to be able to grab fast all my ammunition (don’t put your bag in the overhead bins at take off and landing, that’s when you might need help and you won’t be able to move, a rookie mistake that happened to me way to often).
Keeping your child busy
First, don’t overstimulate your child – if quiet, don’t immediately offer distractions, let him be bored a little, look around.
Make sure you pack a surprise bag – with lots of little things (toy car, playdough, tape, animals..)
Favorite toys: suction toys, magnetic toys, stickers, water wow books, magic coloring, scratch coloring. See all my favorite here.
Listening to stories or music with a story box (Yoto, Luni…)
Sleep time
Forget about your routine at home, you are not at home
Don’t try to hard making your child sleep before meal has been served and lights are off (it brings lots of noises and movements, not helping your child setlled)
Try to have your child seating next to the window to avoid distractions form other passengers
Be mentally prepared not to sleep
Plan a “recovery” time when you get to destination, do not overpack your first stay with visits
Try to sleep yourself if your child is agitated, kids are like sponges and tend to want to do like us
Don’t ban screens if you feel like nothing is working. If you tried for over one hour and a half to make your child sleep, consider turning on TV. I never used to do that, and my first child can literally spend 7h awake (during the time she would normally be asleep) entertaining herself without a screen. When I saw this, I questioned the impact of a screen on my kids ability to sleep.
Accessories that help my kids: foot hammock, Jet Kids suitcase.
Accesories that don’t help my kids: inlfatable foot rest, neck pillow, eye mask.
Solving the tantrum
Despite all your best practice to try to avoid a tantrum, it is here and you are hyperventilating.
First, STOP caring about the people around you, that will make you more stress and less likely to solve the tantrum fast. You will never see them again in your life. Kids have the right to exist and express themselves. They are not puppets we can control. And instead of making them having to fit in an adult world, why not having spaces for them on planes…anyway1
Second, be flexible and allow yourself to drop some of your parenting principles just for few hours (such as allowing a screen, giving a candy) – NO IT WILL NOT RUIN the education you are giving your child ( I thought it would for a long time)
Third, remember, it is no different than a tantrum, at home, you have in you what it takes to solve this.
Distraction – best parenting trick I have ever learnt “what’s that button? Have you tried turning on the air above you?” “Look what I have” (showing that surprise bag)…
Start playing “peekaboo”, hide yourself first behind a scarf or anything you will find
Offer a snack (new kind or favorite kind) – my favorite include dried fruits, freeze dry fruits, rice cakes, seaweed sheets, yogurt metls,
Whisper in your child ear instead of speaking – in order to hear you they will have to quite down
Take your phone out, open the selfie mode and take a picture of your child (and you), then show him
Tell your child you understand the problem, and you are right here next to him if he needs a hug (then let him express himself for 1 minute)
Try to rock your child around – head towards the corner you spotted at the beginning of the flight (you might find other little ones there too or a friendly stewardess who might try to help)
Make him listen to music – make sure you have kids headphones
Start tracing your hand on a paper
Tell your child you understand the problem, and you are right here next to him if he needs a hug (then let him express himself for 1 minute)
Hope this helps !
Not sure where to take the kids next?
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